Looking for a chaplain for yourself or to send to a friend or loved one?

The Velva G. and H. Fred Levine Jewish Chaplaincy Program supports a licensed, professionally-trained Jewish Chaplain who to provides spiritual comfort and guidance for patients, families and staff around the Houston area.

Email us at chaplaincy@alexanderjfs.org and we'll quickly fulfill your request.

Chaplains Provide:
  • Patient support
  • Caregiver support
  • Referrals
  • Counseling
  • Inspiration

Patient Support

Our patient support services include:

  • Hospital visits
  • Holiday gift bags and prayerbooks
  • Jewish hospice, sacred Jewish conversations and end-of-life discussions
  • Spiritual direction and development
  • Supportive counseling and Jewish community resources.

Our chaplaincy team maintains strict HIPAA compliance with all patients.

Caregiver Support

We provide assistance in finding caregivers, kosher food, housing and other items and services.


We can refer out-of-town family members to doctors and other resources available within the Houston Jewish community.

Shabbat Boxes

We prepare beautiful Shabbat boxes and can deliver them directly to patients. These are filled with challah, grape juice, prayers and helpful information.

Resources & News

A central location for you to be empowered with knowledge.
Stories of
"We spent six years in and out of the hospital, but we were never alone again because of the Alexander JFS Chaplaincy team. They made us laugh, they held us when we cried. We would not have been able to survive this journey without them. They brought light into our darkness."
Client, Chaplaincy Services
This quote has been annonoymized for client privacy protection
gentle hands holding lit candle
Get in Touch

We are here to help. Please reach out to us directly for questions, registration or to begin using Alexander JFS services.

Together We Are Stronger

Thank you to our collaborating partners and sponsors for providing essential resources to make our work possible.

We provide light, hope and help.

Explore Alexander JFS Services