Exterior shot of JFS Houston's headquarters

We are Alexander JFS

Driven by compassion.
Leading through innovation.
Guided by Jewish values.

Welcome to Alexander Jewish Family Service. Established in 1913, we are a premiere social service agency dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals, families and communities. Alexander JFS serves members of the Jewish community as well as individuals of all faiths and backgrounds. We invite you to learn more about our compassion, innovation and the values that guide our work.

We focus on strengthening family life, laying the foundation for self-sufficiency and improving both the social and economic conditions of our clients.

Serving Greater Houston Since 1913

Our Mission

The Mission of Alexander JFS is to transform lives by empowering individuals, families and communities — driven by compassion, leading through innovation, guided by Jewish values.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a trusted community partner that is welcoming to all and directly responds to existing and emerging needs in a compassionate, professional and innovative manner.

Our Principles

  • We are committed to serving individuals of all backgrounds and faiths.  
  • We are committed to providing social services and resources in a way that is caring, sensitive and accessible.  
  • We strive to create a safe, nurturing and welcoming environment for all people.
  • We strive for excellence by using highly-trained, professional staff that is driven by data to provide the highest level of care.
  • We support and share best practices through professional development as a teaching institution to advance knowledge in the field.

Impact Statement

We lift families out of poverty by increasing their earning potential.

We are committed to seeking systemic solutions to the challenges our clients face through evidence-based solutions that are scalable and replicable.

Alexander JFS High Impact Programs include:  

  • Alexander JFS Alexander Institute for Inclusion
  • Suicide and Substance Misuse Prevention
  • Disaster Preparedness and Long-Term Recovery

Our History

Alexander JFS has a rich history that spans over 100 years.

Gloria Ribnick, Director of Marketing at Alexander JFS from 1998 – 2022, served as the archivist of the agency’s milestones.

Resources & News

A central location for you to be empowered with knowledge.
Stories of
"I observed the thoughtful, caring, compassionate manner in which Alexander JFS responded to the emotional and financial needs of those in our community who were feeling vulnerable."
-Irving Pozmantier, Community Leader
This quote has been annonoymized for client privacy protection
open hands holding paper figures of family
open hands holding paper figures of family

Contact Us

Learn more about our compassionate services and programs.

Contact Us Directly

(713) 667-9336


4131 S. Braeswood Blvd.

Houston, Texas 77025

Hours of Operation
Need Help Now?

Who We Serve

Alexander JFS is a resource for all residents, regardless of faith or background, living in the zip codes of the service area map, as well as the broader Jewish community.
map of Alexander JFS catchment area

Together, we are stronger.

Thank you to our collaborating partners and sponsors for providing essential resources to make our work possible.

Member OF:

We provide light, hope and help.

Explore Alexander JFS Services