This fund ensures that future leaders of Alexander Jewish Family Service will be able to emulate Linda L. Burger's compassion by responding to individuals and situations that call for an extraordinary response.
This fund ensures that future leaders of Alexander Jewish Family Service will be able to emulate Linda L. Burger's compassion by responding to individuals and situations that call for an extraordinary response.
LINDA L. BURGER, MSSW is only the fourth CEO to lead Alexander Jewish Family Service in its 109-year history. For more than forty years, she was at the forefront of Jewish communal work in Houston. Her talent and passion transformed the Jewish community’s response to the safety net and basic needs in our community. Linda retired in May 2022 after more than 16 years as CEO of Alexander Jewish Family Service Houston. During her tenure, Linda brought to life her vision of a caring community and established Alexander JFS’ stellar reputation within the Jewish community and throughout the wider behavioral health community in Houston.
Linda’s work, particularly in the areas of disability services, inclusion, reducing the stigma associated with both mental health and disability and increasing access to mental health services to prevent deaths by suicide and substance misuse has had an impact beyond our city. Cited by her colleagues locally and nationally as a mentor, she was sought for her wisdom and has helped communal professionals develop their programs and careers.
In 2013, the Linda L. Burger CEO Discretionary Fund was established to allow her to address the most difficult and complex cases for which there were few resources. When asked what cause would be the most meaningful to her as a legacy, Linda cited the growth of this fund, because of the way in which she was able to quietly help individuals whose situations compelled extraordinary action. After coming to Alexander JFS, she focused on building financial assistance resources in response to the pain she felt when there were not enough resources to make a tangible difference in clients’ lives, vowing to never let that happen again.
In honor of her retirement and devotion to our community, Alexander JFS created this fund so that future leaders of the agency have theresources to help the most complex cases. Larry Reader, past president of the agency, was the Chair of the committee that established the fund.
We are committing to giving compassion and resources to those whohave no where else to turn, so we welcome your donation to this lastingfund.
If you have any questions concerning a gift to Houston Jewish Family Foundation , please contact Rachel Davis (, Chief Legacy and Major Gifts Officer, at (713) 986-7806.
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