Reception and Check-In: 5:30 PM
Program: 6:30 PM
Dress: Colorful Cocktail Attire
Reception and Check-In: 5:30 PM
Program: 6:30 PM
Dress: Colorful Cocktail Attire
Tiffany Dorsey: tdorsey@alexanderjfs.org
Michelle Fredricks: mfredricks@alexanderjfs.org
This annual event allows Alexander JFS to raise the unrestricted funds needed to support the core services that transform the lives of thousands of people in Houston each year.
Reception and Check-In: 5:30 PM
Program: 6:30 PM
Dress: Colorful Cocktail Attire
Join us for an evening of doing good!
Your gift to JFS LiVE! supports the core services of Alexander JFS. Please select a tribute level of giving below. Individual reservations for donor levels will be available for $360 at a later date. For questions, contact Tiffany Dorsey at (713) 986-7811 or tdorsey@alexanderjfs.org.
We thank our Corporate Sponsors for their generous support of JFS LiVE! 2023. Their sponsorship provides unrestricted funding which allows us to help the community where needed most.