Alexander Jewish Family Service provides Passover assistance meals to Jewish families and seniors throughout Houston.
Each year, for many decades, this mitzvah has been performed by Alexander JFS through the generous contributions of community donors who want to ensure that everyone has the food they need for Passover.
Last year, we served over 400 families. In this economic climate, we anticipate the requests for help to significantly increase. We hope you consider giving generously to:
Your compassionate mitzvah will help so much and in such a meaningful way. Know that when you sit down to your Seder, you have helped fellow Jews in Houston have food for Passover.
“The annual seder is considered the one ritual that more Jewish individuals worldwide attend and participate in more than any other holiday and our program helps that tradition continue. Last year, more than 1,200 members of the Jewish community received assistance from this important holiday program and this year we expect even more,” stated Rabbi Block.
Continuing, Goodfriend explained, “Our program is named The Goldye Mariam & Samuel W. Spain Passover Assistance Program in Honor of Sadie and Harry L. Hollander because of a generous endowment from the estate of Mrs. Spain.” This endowment gift allowed Alexander JFS to increase the amount given to each family requesting assistance, keeping up with the rising costs of purchasing traditional foods for the holiday. Still, community members fund nearly 70% of the annual cost of the program with their donations.
Those wishing to receive assistance should call Alexander JFS Case Management (713) 986-7839 (for those speaking Russian, (713) 986-7847) and explain you are calling to apply for Passover Assistance. A staff member will take your information and each family member will be offered gift cards to be redeemed for Passover products and groceries at H-E-B. The H-E-B location in the Meyerland Shopping Center has the largest Passover product selection of their local stores.
To contribute to the Alexander JFS Passover Assistance Program, please go to our donation page.
Alexander Jewish Family Service is a partner agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston and a beneficiary of the United Way of Greater Houston.