Alexander Jewish Family Service is proud to add the Parenting the Love and Logic Way® program to our services. This multi-media, evidence-based curriculum is internationally recognized and designed for parents with children of all ages that want to feel encouraged, empowered and effective.
Alexander Jewish Family Service is proud to add the Parenting the Love and Logic Way® program to our services. This multi-media, evidence-based curriculum is internationally recognized and designed for parents with children of all ages that want to feel encouraged, empowered and effective.
Parenting the Love and Logic Way® will help provide parents with the skills they need to feel more relaxed, hopeful and positive about their children and the relationships they have with their children. This curriculum helps parents teach personal responsibility and respect without losing out on love and affection.
Stay calm when their kids do incredibly upsetting things
Set enforceable limits
Avoid enabling and begin empowering
Help their kids learn from mistakes rather than repeating them
Raise kids who are family members rather than dictators
And more!
The course goals are:
Creating home environments that stimulate responsibility, resiliency and academic achievement.
Preventing misbehavior.
Avoiding power struggles while setting limits.
Teaching character and responsibility through modeling and the application of logical consequences
Teaching children healthy problem-solving skills
Staying calm in stressful parenting situations
Helping children become prepared to resist drugs, alcohol, violence and other dangerous behaviors.
The course is divided into six sessions, each of which teaches a different skill set, outlined as follows:
Session One: Putting an End to Arguing Back-Talk and Begging
Participants will learn:
Why arguing, back-talk and begging can place a child at risk for having large emotional and behavioral problems later in life.
Practical strategies for ending arguing, back-talk and begging
The basics of the Love and Logic approach
That mistakes made early in a child’s life provide valuable learning opportunities if handled appropriately by parents
The importance of holding children accountable for their poor decisions through the use of logical or natural consequences
That mistakes made in life typically have much smaller “price tags” than those made later on
Session Two: Teaching Responsibility without Losing Their Love
Participants will learn:
Why children fail to learn responsibility when their parents refuse to let them make affordable mistakes.
Why children also fail to learn responsibility when their parents rescue them from the consequences of their poor decisions.
Why consequences provided without empathy and love are ineffective.
Practical tips for remaining calm and empathetic when children do things that upset us.
Practical tips for building and maintaining positive parent-child relationships
Session Three: Setting Limits Without Waging War
Participants will learn:
Why telling children what to do results in power struggles
How to set limits by describing what you will do or allow (using “Enforceable Statements”)
How to apply enforceable statements to everyday issues such as meals, homework, allowance, arguing, etc.
How to replace idle threats with enforceable limits
The importance of taking time, getting support, and practicing before implementing logical consequences (the “Strategic Training Session”)
Session Four: Avoiding Power-Struggles
Participants will learn:
That perceived control is a basic human emotional need
That we can either give control on our terms or wait for our children to take it from us on their terms
Specific guidelines of sharing control through choices
Rules for the appropriate use of choices
When not to give choices
Session Five: Guiding Kids to Own and Solve their Problems
Participants will learn:
Why problem-solving skills are so critical for success in life
How to apply five steps for helping children learn to own and solve their problems
Practical examples of how to apply these steps to common problems, such as bullying, teasing, problems with teachers, etc.
What to do when children refuse to own and solve their problems
Session Six: Teaching Kids to Complete Chores without Reminders and Without Pay
Participants will learn:
The connection between chores, responsibility, self-esteem and academic achievement motivation
Practical tips for encouraging children to complete chores through the use of positive noticing, family teamwork and the establishment of a family focus based on serving others
Steps for enforcing the completion of chores…without resorting to threats, warnings, anger, or bribes
Each session will contain a video presentation discussing modeling and providing examples of each skill, readings and structured group exercises and discussions.
The classes will be once a week over 6 weeks, for about an hour and a half each session. Classes will be held on Thursdays from 7:30 - 9:00 PM.
The cost is $30 for the whole six weeks and includes a workbook.
Alexander JFS will offer the Parenting the Love and Logic Way® training course this spring. The Parenting the Love and Logic Way® curriculum was developed by Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., and Foster W. Cline, M.D., of the Love and Logic Institute, Inc., in Golden, Colorado. Alexander JFS is an Independent Facilitator of the Parenting the Love and Logic Way® curriculum.
This website is not associated with, or sponsored by, the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic® is a registered trademark of the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic® was founded by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D., with continued creative and operational direction by Charles Fay, Ph.D. It is based on the experience of a combined total of over 100 years working with and raising kids, and on the psychologically sound Love and Logic® philosophy for parenting and teaching. For more information, please go to or call 800-338-4065.
Love and Logic® is a registered trademark of the Love and Logic Institute, Inc.
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