Are You a Multipotentialite?

A multipotentialites is an individuals with many interests and creative pursuits or a person that doesn’t have one true calling the way that specialists do. Alexander Jewish Family Service Employment and Career Center explores the history and benefits of being well versed in multiple disciplines.

July 24, 2023
Woman with a multitude of various hats on her head piled high

Are You a Multipotentialite?

A multipotentialites is an individuals with many interests and creative pursuits or a person that doesn’t have one true calling the way that specialists do. Alexander Jewish Family Service Employment and Career Center explores the history and benefits of being well versed in multiple disciplines.

July 24, 2023

Are You a Multipotentialite?

By Mandy Thibodeaux, Career Services Advisor, Alexander JFS

The first question in your mind may be “what in the world is a multipotentialite”?!  If you have heard the term slasher career, polymath, wearing many hats, then you have an idea of what this term means. A multipotential (or multipod, slasher, polymath, hyphenate) is a term coined by Emilie Wapnick to “describe individuals with many interests and creative pursuits” or “a person that doesn’t have one true calling the way that specialists do”. This is not a new concept and has been around since the Renaissance period. Known as the “Renaissance Person”, having multiple talents, and pursing multiple disciplines was considered ideal”. Can you image a culture in which you were celebrated for being well versed in multiple disciplines?

So, what happened? Well culture happened! Our culture has told us that we are to pick one thing that we are passionate about and pursue that as our career. Emilie Wapnick brings up the very starting point of this “pick one culture”. She asks, “How many of you have been asked the question,” What do you want to be when you grow up? I know, I can feel the anxiety now. Culture has taught us that it is wrong to pursue multiple things, and that we should settle into one specialization. But what if you can’t answer that question? Not being able to answer this question, leads to anxiety and the feeling that something may be wrong with you. Have you ever felt that way? Have you found yourself passionate about your career only to get bored down the road and need a change? Or maybe staying in a career you have lost passion for because you have already invested so much time or money into it?

Culture/ society would have us labeled or we may label ourselves as “scattered/ unfocused, unable to stick with a career, unmotivated, bored, afraid of committing. We may think that we cannot gain success or that we may be self-sabotaging our career; we feel alone, unheard, not understood, that we lack purpose” (Emily Wapnick, 2015).  All of these feelings are very normal and there is nothing wrong with you! You are a multipotentialitie! Most multipotentialities have many different passions and paths they pursue, “some sequentially, simultaneously, or both”. According to Wapnick, “they thrive on learning, exploring options, and mastering new skills. They are innovators, problem solvers, multi-passionate, with the willingness and passion to take on new challenges and discoveries”. These qualities are highly valuable strengths!

Being multifaceted is a great gift and you know that age old saying “the more hats you wear, or the more you can do for a company, the more valuable you are”; so safe to say, job security!! There are different strategies and approaches to being a multipotentialitie, there is the wearing multiple hats approach “group hug”, where you have different jobs, you do within your current position. Having a side job “slash”, outside of your current job, that is completely opposite, allowing you to pursue other passions. Having a “good enough job that supports your bills while you focus on work that relates to your passions, “Einstein approach”. The “Phoenix approach”, working in one industry or field for a couple of years and transitioning into something new (Emily Wapnick, 2015).  As you can see there are many ways to explore your passions and still pay the bills, as they say.

Remember, this is your life, and you career story, it’s a wonderful journey!  Take the time to explore and discover new ways to make your passions a reality. You can do it! At Alexander JFS we have professionals here to assist you with that journey and we will help you discover your truth career path! You may be pleasantly surprised what you can really do and accomplish!

Check out all of the services the Alexander JFS Employment and Career Center offers HERE.

Resources for further details on being a Multipotentialite:

Emily Wapnick:


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