Be Well: A Mental Health Column
From Alexander JFS and the Jewish Herald-Voice
From Alexander JFS and the Jewish Herald-Voice
From Alexander JFS and the Jewish Herald-Voice
By Rabbi Barry Cohen, Chaplain Manager, Alexander Jewish Family Service
Thur, March 6, 2025
To say we live during stressful and anxious times is an understatement. Articulating how the following words make us feel can be a monumental challenge: deportation; inflation; housing, insurance and medical costs; racial, religious and LGBTQ+ discrimination; political chaos; military conflict in the Middle East; the state of education; retirement investments; threatened economic safety net.
And that’s just my list. I wonder what is on your list.
A common refrain? What is happening to our country? What is happening to our world?
Triggers are everywhere that heighten our stress level, blood pressure and heart rate. Each and every day, I feel a wide range of emotions. We were not designed to live like this. We are not programmed to exist during such high levels of stress, pressure and fear. As a result, all too often I feel overwhelmed and helpless, sapped of energy and deprived of motivation. How can I respond – how can we respond to ensure we are in a better place? Here are some ideas: